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If you have a disability, learning difficulty or need additional support, we have a dedicated team who will work with you to help you achieve your full potential during your time at college.

We welcome applications from students with learning differences. We are committed to providing all students with an accessible and positive learning experience from Level 1 to Higher Education. We offer a range of programmes, including Supported Internships, full-time study programmes and Apprenticeships. You can learn more about our Supported Internship offer designed specifically for EHCP learners.

Local offer

We are experienced in meeting the educational needs of students with learning differences, whether specific learning difficulties, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, or medical conditions. Through our skilled subject lecturers and our specialist Inclusion Services team, barriers to learning are minimised, allowing students to participate successfully in college life and achieve their learning goals. The preparation for progression into further education, training and employment is a fundamental part of the programmes we offer at Kendal College. Individual study programmes are tailored to ensure success.

The college embraces the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014 and the Children's and Family Act 2014. The Additional Learning Support team at Kendal College works hard to ensure that the Principles within the SEND reforms are met across the college.

We are making sure that:

  • Young people are at the centre of all discussions around the support we provide.
  • The support offered considers young people's health, care and educational needs.
  • We work closely with the young person's local authority to access all aspects of the services available in the area.
  • Young people and families are supported during the transition to an Education Health and Care Plan.
  • We focus on and prepare young people for adulthood, including employment, independent living or higher-level courses.
  • Person-centred reviews are provided to ensure young people meet their individualised goals and their EHCP outcomes are reviewed well.

Applications deadlines for learners with an EHCP

The SEN Code of Practice states the following:

For young people moving from secondary school to a post-16 institution or apprenticeship, the review and any amendments to the EHC plan – including specifying the post-16 provision and naming the institution – must be completed by 31st March in the calendar year of the transfer.

In all cases where it is proposed that a young person is to transfer between one post-16 institution and another within the following 12 months, the local authority must review and amend, where necessary, the young person’s EHC plan at least five months before the transfer takes place.

In some cases, young people may not meet the entry requirements for their chosen course or change their minds about what they want to do after the 31 March or five-month deadline. Where this is the case, local authorities should review the EHC plan with the young person as soon as possible to ensure that alternative options are agreed upon, and new arrangements are in place as far in advance of the start date as practicable.

We, therefore, require that applications from young people with an EHCP are submitted before the May half term.


The Inclusion Services Team works closely with local schools and the local authority to ensure that the transitions of all learners are effective and successful. This often includes attending EHCP or transition meetings. Learning support, in this instance, is supported by funding from the Local Authority in which the student is a resident and may continue to be provided until the student is aged 25, when continuing in education is still appropriate.

We invite all students who have declared learning need the opportunity to meet with a member of our team before enrolment to begin the process of preparation for starting college. Taster sessions and familiarisation visits are encouraged to support a smooth transition to studying at Kendal College.

How to access learning support

A referral needs to be made to our Inclusion Services Team to access the various types of support. A team member will meet with you to complete an assessment of needs and create an Inclusion Plan outlining the support required.

Individual support needs are quickly established, and the correct type and level of support is put into place as soon as possible.

A referral to discuss potential additional support can be made at the following stages:

  • Pre-entry.
  • School referral/Education, Health and Care Plan.
  • Pre-entry identification (during the interview).
  • Application/enrolments/admissions.
  • Parent/carer referral.
  • As part of a transition programme.

Our team work closely with schools, specialist providers and external organisations, attending termly and/or annual reviews, where applicable, to ensure relevant information is identified before you enrol at the College. Discussions could include progression routes, transition programmes and individual support needs.

Once a student has enrolled, referrals can be made through the following:

  • Screening assessment.
  • Self-referral.
  • Tutor referral.
  • Parent/carer referral.

Learner inclusion plans

Once you have disclosed a learning need or disability to the Inclusion Services Team, we will produce a Learner Inclusion Plan (LIP) outlining your support needs.

The LIP is made available to your tutors so that your support needs are considered within the delivery of sessions. (All students have termly reviews with the course tutor and inclusion services, if appropriate).

It is always best to talk to your tutors about any difficulties on your course at the earliest opportunity so that changes and additional support can be implemented if required.

A member of the inclusion Services team is available to discuss your difficulties. Information is not passed to anyone outside the team without your consent.

Support on your programme

This can include:

  • Use of a computer.
  • Exam access arrangements.
  • Extended deadlines for assignments.
  • Receiving hand-outs in advance of lectures.
  • Use of coloured overlays.
  • Borrowing equipment, e.g. laptop, netbook, tablet.
  • Alternative assessments, e.g. a presentation, video, blogs rather than an essay.

Let us know if you feel entitled to reasonable adjustments and extra support. A member of our Inclusion Services Team can meet with you to discuss your needs.

Preparation for adulthood

Kendal College embraces the national agenda for ‘Preparation for Adulthood’. We will support you in exploring your goals and aspirations and create short-term targets to achieve these focusing on the following areas:

  • Employment.
  • Living Independently.
  • Community inclusion.
  • Health.

The college works in collaboration with Local authorities and CCGs to place young people and their families at the centre of their provision planning to ensure the best outcomes, focusing on building aspirational attitudes, beliefs, and values, concentrating on what is positive and possible, enabling young people to make informed decisions about their lives.


Kendal College is disability accessible. The building at either campus is suitable for students with physical and sensory impairments. Procedures are in place for the safety of students and staff, including risk assessments and evacuation plans. The college has two lifts on the main site, providing access to all floors of the college and one lift at the Creative Arts Campus. This information is detailed on the college website through course information, pre-course interviews and course and learning support staff.

The college has clear, informative signage throughout the college.

The college has accessible toilets on each floor of the main site and at the Creative Arts Campus. These toilets are fitted with a panic alarm and are compliant with Health and Safety regulations and British Standards regulations.

Kendal College has six designated disability-accessible car parking bays for students daily. These are conveniently located close to accessible entrances and lifts.

In addition to the Blue Badge scheme, with prior arrangements, the college operates its badge system for students requiring specified parking.

Availability of equipment

All Kendal College Students can pre-book free portable electrical equipment while on campus to support their studies. These range from computers, laptops, tablets, and iPad. All of them have access to the college wifi and email. Some students may be eligible for a long-term loan of a netbook for the duration of their course.

Contact us

To arrange to see a member of our Inclusion Services Team or discuss your access or learning needs further, don't hesitate to contact us.

t 01539 814700