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We are run by a Board of Governors who take strategic decisions that will shape the college of the future.

Board vacancies

Being a board member of one of over 200 further education colleges in England can be very rewarding. It enables you to make a difference in the lives of thousands of young people and adults who train and develop their skills in this vital sector. The Board of Kendal College make the critical decisions that ensure the future of the college is secure and that the courses and training delivered meet the needs of our local community.

We are always keen to hear from anyone interested in joining the Board as local community representatives who can bring vocational expertise and sector experience to help the college ensure it meets the skills needs of local employers.

Being part of the Board means you will experience first-hand the opportunities the college offers and ensure the requirements of the South Lakes community in terms of training and services are met. It is an exciting time to be involved with the college as it continues to broaden its curriculum and build on its excellent reputation.

Recruitment to the Board occurs throughout the year and is aligned with known vacancies and identified skills gaps. We would especially welcome applications from exceptional people and employers who can give time to support the college's ongoing development. We are always keen to hear from people with strong financial and business expertise, and the role is ideal for those with recent senior boardroom experience. The position is also suitable for those seeking to broaden their knowledge by joining a board.

The Board encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds and interests and operates an inclusive policy regarding Board membership.

If you want to learn more, please get in touch with Tam Breeze for more information.

t 01539 814761

The Board's structure means that most of its work is carried out at Board meetings, which take place a minimum of 6 times per year. The Board is also supported by 3 committees: Audit & Risk, Search & Governance, and Finance and Resources, that meet on a termly basis. Additional assurance on Quality is provided by a Quality and Curriculum working group, made up of governors and senior staff who together can provide support and challenge for our senior quality team in improving teaching and learning.

Our standing orders propose 11 business members plus 2 staff and at least 2 student members and the College Principal, making a total of 16 full members but may increase where governors with the right skills are identified. The Board can also be supported by co-opted members, who bring additional skills to the Committees. In addition, the Board sets up working groups that bring in specific expertise and can provide additional assurance to the Board.

The Board works to its statutory Instrument & Articles of Governance with members acting in the capacity of trustees and with the College holding exempt charitable status. The Board has adopted the Code of Good Governance for English Colleges and allied Remuneration Code and operates its business in line with its Standing Orders.

Minutes of all Board and Committee meetings are published in line with statutory requirements and following board or committee approval.

Rob Trimble

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Rob joined the Board as Chair in December 2024 and brings to the role a wealth of experience and knowledge gained from 30 years within the higher education sector. Rob was Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Cumbria until July 2024 and prior to this he held a range of senior positions at the University of Sunderland, where he was latterly Pro Vice Chancellor.

He is a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Engineering & Technology, a Quality Assessor with the Office for Students and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Mike Seaton

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Vice Chair Designate

Mike Seaton has been appointed as Vice Chair designate and plans to take up the role after a period of mentoring with our current Vice Chair, Kevin Boles. Mike is an experienced senior leader who has vast experience in the charity sector working with vulnerable young people. He initially trained as a Community & Youth worker and has progressed to leadership roles in children and young people’s services nationally and within the northwest region. Mike has been a trustee for most of his working life, and recently finished a nine-year term with Buttle UK a national charity that provides support to children and young people in extreme poverty and whose development is affected by their family situation. Mike has just started as a Kendal College part-time joinery student.

Andrew Lord

Board Member

Andy joined the Board in November 2023 and brings much experience in the education and awarding sector. Andy is the Director of Compliance and Quality Assurance at Ascentis Awarding Organisation and Access Validating Agency, who design and award a wide range of qualifications. Andy has a strategic responsibility to ensure that the organisation maintains regulatory compliance.

Ben Matthews

Board Member and member of the Search & Governance Committee

Ben brings a wide range of educational experience to the Board, being part of the senior team at Lancaster University, where he is the Head of Global Engagement. Ben is passionate about the power of education to change lives, recognising the vital contribution the college can make to its community.

Elaine Davies

Board Member and Chair of the Finance & Resources Working Group

Elaine joined the Board in Spring 2023, bringing to the Board a range of skills linked to finance and financial services in her role as a Commercial Finance Consultant. Elaine is keen to use her skills to support the college and make a difference.

John Mansergh

Board Member and Vice Chair of Audit & Risk Committee

John joined the board in 2021 and brings with him a high level of experience from his different roles at South Lakes Housing, where he is part of the executive team. He describes himself as a business "all-rounder" and has specific expertise in governance, strategy, performance, and risk management.

Kevin Boles

Board Member and Chair of Search & Governance Committee

Kevin is in his first term as a governor, having retired as Head of Business Development at the University of Central Lancashire, where he was responsible for the strategic leadership and management of the University’s Knowledge Exchange Framework practices and policies. He has extensive experience in the higher education sector and working with colleges on business development and apprenticeships.

Neil Boggin

Board Member and Chair of Audit & Risk

Neil joined the board in 2020 and brings almost 40 years of experience from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. He is a chemist by training and has worked across many disciplines, including technical, operations, procurement, and business improvement, most recently with GSK at Ulverston.

Rachel Tyson

Board Member

Rachel is Head of Partnerships & Projects at Cumbria Tourism, where she is Deputy to the MD and part of Cumbria Tourism’s Senior Management Team. She works continuously to promote hospitality as a worthwhile career within Cumbria and links closely with the college to support this important skill area. She is also part of the LSIP Steering Group and the Cornerstone Employer Group, a group of 300 businesses in England committed to helping young people find their ‘next best step’ from education into employment.

Richard Quinn

Board Member

Richard joined Kendal College Board in 2024, having relocated to Cumbria in 2022. Richard is a chartered accountant by profession with over 40 years of experience at the director level in commercial finance across technology, media and education sectors. After relocating, Richard taught Accounting & Business here at the College in 2022/23, and he considers Kendal College a centre of investment, providing a fantastic learning environment to equip the next generation with skills, expertise and passion so they can prevail in a dynamic workplace. Richard works full-time with a commercially successful local farming business with an extensive regional network of supply farms as a technical manager responsible for compliance with regulations and standards in food safety and quality and environmental and animal welfare management. Outside of work, Richard is actively involved as a volunteer with Crisis, the homeless charity in Newcastle, and Guide Dogs for the Blind in the North Lakes area.

Kelvin Nash

Kendal College Principal and Search & Governance Committee Member

Jane Barker

Staff Governor

Jane Barker joined the Board in February 2023. Jane is the Curriculum Leader for Professional Services (HR, Accountancy and Leadership & Management). She has been at the College for over five years, with previous experience teaching at degree and post-graduate levels.

Michael Watts

Staff Governor

Michael joined the Board in 2019 as a Business Support staff governor. His college role is Catering Manager, and as such, he interacts extensively with staff and students across the college.

Aaron Bryson-Roberts

Student Governor

Nicole Dix

Student Governor

Libby de Vere

Student Governor

Financial Statements