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Start Date
Start Time
2 Years
Westmorland Campus


We have a culture of high expectations, creating an environment in which A-Level learners can thrive.

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Course Overview

This qualification reflects the current workplace demands of a modern and consistently developing construction sector. This course will enable you to learn transferable skills and apply them to your chosen pathway.

The BTEC National in Construction and the Built Environment will develop your skills and knowledge in the sector. This qualification is equivalent to one A Level and you will be required to choose at least TWO A Level subjects to add to your mandatory tutorial and study support sessions, these will make up your full study programme. You will learn transferable skills that can be applied in numerous pathways supporting your future success. Some of these include self management, effective learning, interpersonal skills, digital collaboration and communication, digital security, sustainability skills and problem solving. Our dedicated tutors are specialists in the subject and you will benefit from current industry knowledge and expertise while studying this qualification.

There are three mandatory units to study on this course. These are: Construction principles, construction technology and construction design. Two are externally assessed in the form of an exam and the third is internally assessed as an assignment. In addition to the mandatory units you will also sit two internally assessed units which your tutor will choose from: Construction commercial management, retrofit in construction or modelling in construction.

As part of your study programme you will take part in various trips and university support sessions alongside a community project that will take place in the first six weeks of the year. This will focus on skill development that will support you in your two year programme of study.

Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Maths and English Language.

After Your Course

Possible courses (among others!):
- Architecture BA/BSc
- Construction Management BSc
- Civil Engineering BSc
- Level 4 Engineering Apprenticeship



The fee displayed is the course fee. Course fees are per year for full-time courses and per course for part-time courses.

Other costs may be associated with this course, e.g., kit, equipment, books, trips, etc. Financial support may be available to support you with these. See the Student Money pages for more information.

Courses fees

The current full-time & degree-level fee information is related to the 2024/25 academic year.

Level 3-6 Courses

Advanced Learning Loans are available for students aged 19 or over and studying eligible level 3, 4, 5 & 6 courses. If you are on an Access course, the loan will be written off if you complete a degree.

You may qualify for financial support to cover the cost of a Level 3 qualification if you do not already have a Level 3 qualification (this will depend on the course & your age on 31/08/24).

Please speak to Student Services for more information on course fees.


The fees displayed are for the one-year AS-Level course. If you would like to progress onto the full A-Level, please get in touch with us for the cost of the second year, as it will be different.

16-18 year olds

There are no course fees if you were aged 16-18 on 31/08/24 and are not studying at another institution.

Join us at our next

Open Evening

31 March 2025 4:30pm - 7:30pm