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9:00am - 4:15pm
2 Years
Westmorland Campus


We have a culture of high expectations, creating an environment in which A-Level learners can thrive.

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Course Overview

This qualification is part of a full-time programme, studying 3 or 4 A-Level subjects and/or AAQs.

Economics offers a unique insight into how the world works and will help students to understand many of the big questions facing people today, such as:
- Why is petrol so expensive?
- What is austerity?
- How can industry tackle global warming?
- Why are there cutbacks

Economists are some of the best paid men and women in the UK, with salaries second only to medicine (Source: IFS).

This A-Level is awarded by AQA.

Economics provides students with the skills to analyse and evaluate issues to a high standard. This subject is therefore of particular interest to students who seek answers to a range of topical questions and also to those who aspire to careers in stimulating and rewarding sectors of the economy. Traditionally this A level subject marries up well with mathematics and science subjects. Economics provides students with the skills to analyse issues to a high standard and provides an excellent foundation for higher education in such areas as Economics, Finance, Business, Management and Accountancy, Politics and Philosophy.

As an Economics student, you can also take part in national competitions such as the Bank of England's Target 2.0 competition, Stock exchange challenge and The Young Economist of the Year competition. Guest speakers and trips are arranged in tandem with BTEC Business as a whole department - trips have included - Krakow, Prague, Budapest.

There are written examinations in each year, which cover the content of the specification. The 1st year examination doesn't count towards the final grade; however it does set a good basis for your continuation on the course for your second year.

To ensure you are picking a suitable course, I would suggest that you read up on economics with this suggested reading list. A range of books are given below covering different areas we would cover on this course. This will not only kick-start your understanding of the topic area. But also give you an idea of the course as a whole

1) Narrative Economics - Robert J. Shiller

2) A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility - Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer

3) Narconomics: How To Run a Drug Cartel - Tom Wainwright

4) Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist - Kate Raworth

5) The Club: How the Premier League Became the Richest, Most Disruptive Business in Sport -
Jonathan Clegg and Joshua Robinson

Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, and Maths and English Language at Grade 6.

After Your Course

Many students who enjoy, and successfully complete, this subject typically progress onto a range of degree courses including: Economics and related degrees. Economics students develop the kind of skills that employers demand and often progress to work for large corporations, banks and the government. A qualification in Economics can also be valuable support in a career like marketing, law, journalism, retail or teaching.



The fee displayed is the course fee. Course fees are per year for full-time courses and per course for part-time courses.

Other costs may be associated with this course, e.g., kit, equipment, books, trips, etc. Financial support may be available to support you with these. See the Student Money pages for more information.

Courses fees

The current full-time & degree-level fee information is related to the 2024/25 academic year.

Level 3-6 Courses

Advanced Learning Loans are available for students aged 19 or over and studying eligible level 3, 4, 5 & 6 courses. If you are on an Access course, the loan will be written off if you complete a degree.

You may qualify for financial support to cover the cost of a Level 3 qualification if you do not already have a Level 3 qualification (this will depend on the course & your age on 31/08/24).

Please speak to Student Services for more information on course fees.


The fees displayed are for the one-year AS-Level course. If you would like to progress onto the full A-Level, please get in touch with us for the cost of the second year, as it will be different.

16-18 year olds

There are no course fees if you were aged 16-18 on 31/08/24 and are not studying at another institution.

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Open Evening

31 March 2025 4:30pm - 7:30pm