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Hedgehogs are Britain’s favourite mammal due to their unique and cute appearance, and they are very popular amongst gardeners as they are efficient hunters of unwanted bugs and slugs.

However, hedgehog numbers have fallen by 30% in the last decade or so and are just about beginning to stabilise in urban areas. According to the British Red List for Mammals, hedgehogs are now categorised as ‘Vulnerable to extinction’. Contributing factors to the decline of our prickly pals include habitat loss and fragmentation, road casualties and garden hazards.

Hedgehog Friendly Campus is a national accreditation programme funded partly by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS). Many colleges and universities across the UK, including us, are involved in this scheme and can help to do great things and raise awareness of their difficulties.

We are proud to be working towards the Silver Award of this scheme. We aim not only to actively rehabilitate hedgehogs and other wildlife but also to educate our students, staff, and the surrounding community about how we can support our local hedgehogs, both on campus and at home.