Why did you choose this course?
I always wanted a hands-on course. I love design and making/fixing things. Plumbing was one of the things I always wanted to do.
Why did you choose Kendal College?
It was advertised at school; closer than Carlisle; one of the best colleges; came to visit and fell in love with it right away. I came to an Open Evening and wanted to be here right away when I saw the workshop, The Tutor at Open Evening was great & gave me all the information I needed to know.
What opportunities have you had as a student at the College?
I have progressed through the three levels.
How would you describe your College experience so far?
I love it. This is my third year as I have done Level 1, Level 2 and now Level 3.
Regarding the theory side of Level 3, it is hard but with the support of the tutors it is manageable and in doing Level 1 and Level 2 first I had knowledge already to help me. It also helped me to use the tools correctly. I could have started at Level 2 but decided to start at Level 1 so I had all the correct skills and knowledge from the beginning.
If you could give one piece of advice to people considering College, what would it be?
Always ask for help if needed. In my first year I struggled a bit but when I asked for help from the tutor I learned how to do it properly.